VS Code Extension for Firebase
This extension allows you to send your project data to Firebase directly from Visual Studio Code.
- Send project data to Firebase
- Track project name, language, and status
- Automatic timer to update Firebase data
- Firebase configuration file management
Before using this extension, make sure you have the following prerequisites:
- Visual Studio Code version 1.79.0 or higher
- Firebase account and project
- Launch Visual Studio Code.
- Go to the Extensions view by clicking on the square icon on the left sidebar or pressing
Ctrl+Shift+X .
- Search for "VS Code Extension for Firebase" and click Install.
- After installation, click YES to
Do you want to create a new Firebase configuration file? dialog box to configure the Firebase extension.
Extension Settings
The extension contributes the following settings:
Send to Firebase: Open Config File : Edit the firebase file.
Send to FIrebase: Reload App : Edit the firebase file.
- Open a project folder in Visual Studio Code.
- The extension will automatically track the project name and the programming language of the active file.
- Firebase data will be sent to the configured Firebase database.
- You can open the Firebase configuration file by running the Send to Firebase: Open Config File command from the Command Palette.
Known Issues
Release Notes
- Initial release of the VS Code Extension for Firebase.
- Added automatic timer to update Firebase data.
- Improved Firebase configuration file management.
- First release on the Visual Studio Marketplace.
- Add 'Send to Firebase: Reload App' for reloading manually when configuration is complete.
Contributions are welcome! Follow these steps to contribute to the project:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
- Make the necessary changes and commit your code.
- Submit a pull request explaining your changes.
For more information about Visual Studio Code's extension development, refer to the official Extension API documentation.
Enjoy using the VS Code Extension for Firebase!
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