The Designbase Intellisense extension for VS Code is designed to improve the developer experience when working with a design system generated by Designbase.
Autocomplete for the slot prop based on parent component
Autocomplete for class and className props
Autocomplete for class names in string literals, triggered by the class name prefix
This extension assumes you have both the core and React packages installed in your workspace, and relies on some of the metadata in the package to function.
If you've installed or updated packages after starting VS Code, you might need to re-initialize the extension data. You can trigger this by opening the command palette (⌘ + Shift + P on macOS or Ctrl + Shift + P on Windows/Linux) and running the Designbase Intellisense: Initialize (or re-initialize) extension data command.
If you don't think the extension is running properly, check the logs from the Output Window (⌘ + Shift + U on macOS or Ctrl + Shift + U on Windows/Linux). You can also enable an error toast in the extension's settings (designbase-intellisense.showInitializationError) to get immediate feedback when the extension does not initialize properly.