ResippsThis is the extension with which you can code in javascript/react-redux-toolkit quickly! Snippets: TypeScript rfct - React Functional Component Typed rcct -React Class Component Typed tuse - type hooks useDispatch and useSelector React rfc - React Functional Component rcc - React Class Component rrc - React Redux Container reducer - creates reducer action - creates action creator thunk - creates thunk creator uS - UseState Hook uE - UseEffect Hook deb - create logic of hook useDebounce useInp - create logic of hook useInput rr - React Create Ref React Libraries i18config - Translation i18next config uT - UseTranslation Hook Redux-toolkit configStore - configuration of store with redux-toolkit slice - creation of slice service - creation of an api with rtk query JavaScript for - loop for with ready index and arr variables mapm - map method of an array that returns new array with JSX elements mrf - make a function that creates either random string or random number |