deepansh-snippets README
- Deepansh All Time saving tricks
Change variable case
- change case commands
- small case (CTRL+L)
- upper case (CTRL+U)
- snake case (CTRL+ALT+_)
- camel case (CTRL+ALT+A)
php class getter setter
- make a class and make some variables
- Right click on variable and use getter and setter options.
OPS debug snippets
- dd : dump and die
- f_q : print full query (replace with object when using)
- p_e : enable all errors
- P_log : log without exit in a file
- p_debug : get full traverse path
- launch : use this in vscode launch.json file
php database Patch
- ops_array_to_excel : array to execel convert
javascript snippets
- ajax : Ajax Basic template
- bookmark_admin_database : Quick shortcut to open Admin/database.
Mysql snippets
- mysqldump : Mysql dump Query
- mysql_import : Mysql import Query
debug launch.json
- lanchJson : Launch.json snippet
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