This extension contributes the following settings:
zSearch.JobCard.Name: Job Name to be used on Job Card.
Default value:${USER}S
💡 Info: In the job card the variable ${USER} will be replaced by the userid associated with the active zosmf profile.
zSearch.JobCard.CLASS: Class to be used on Job Card.
Default value: D
zSearch.JobCard.MSGCLASS: Message Class to be used on Job Card.
Default value: X
zSearch.PanelPosition: Select the position where the search results panel will be showned
Possible values:
Active - The currently active column
Beside (Default) - The column to the side of the active one
zSearch.SearchStrings.NumberOfPreviousSearchStrings: Number of previous search string to list on a quick pick for the selected library
Default value: 5
Min Value: 0
Max Value: 20
zSearch.SearchStrings.ListOfPreviousSearchStrings: A list of previous search string for the selected library. The list is showed on the Search String quick pick
Min items: 0
Max items: 20
zSearch.SearchFilters.NumberOfPreviousSearchStrings: Number of previous search filters to list on a quick pick for the selected library
Default value: 5
Min Value: 0
Max Value: 20
zSearch.SearchStrings.ListOfPreviousSearchStrings: A list of previous search Filters for the selected library. The list is showed on the Search Filters quick pick
Min items: 0
Max items: 20
4. How to...
On the zowe explorer select a library.
Expand the library.
Right click on the library.
Select the zSearch - Search on library menu .
Enter the Search string.
A combobox shows the last Search Strings used.
If the active editor has a selected text, the search string input box opens with the selected text as search string.
Filter the library elements with the necessary Filters strings.
A combobox shows the last Filter strings used.
More than one filter is enabled.
On the mainframe a job will be launched.
A panel will show the results returned by the job after it's execution as ended.
The result can be visualized as a list, outDD or json:
List - List of elements with the search string:
The list of elements can be expanded tho show the line number em content of the line hiliting the search string.
The line number as a link that will open the element on its respective line.
OutDD - Representation of the sysout element outDD with the search result.
Json - The search results represented as a json object.
The line number on the list opens the selected element at its line.
💡 Filter Facts:
Filter can select elements that start or end with a string:
Start with the alfa-numeric string aaa (example: 'aaa*' or 'aaa').
Ends with the alfa-numeric string aaa (example: '*aaa').
If no filters selected or the '*' selected all elements on the library will be searched.
More than one filter can selected.
5. Known Issues
6. Release Notes
Added the ability to search a string on the results.
Corrected error on the open file at line functionality
Improved performance.
A historic of the search strings and used filters added.