READMEThis is an extension that provides code snippets for generating a basic webpage structure, a pricing table, and a services section. Features!DOCTTYPE: This code snippet generates the basic structure of a webpage, including the head, body, header, navigation, main section, and footer. The title of the webpage is set to "My Webpage" and the copyright notice is set to "Copyright ©2021 My Webpage". !pricingtable: This code snippet generates a pricing table with 3 plans - Basic, Pro, and Enterprise. The table includes columns for the plan name, price, features, and a sign up button. The prices and features of each plan are pre-populated, but can be easily edited to suit your needs. !servicessection: This code snippet generates a section for listing services. It includes a heading "Our Services" and three sample services with their own headings, descriptions and a "Learn More" button. UsageTo use these code snippets, simply type the prefix (e.g. !DOCTTYPE, !pricingtable, !servicessection) in the editor and press the TAB key. The corresponding code snippet will be inserted. NoteThe code snippets are in HTML. CSS and JavaScript will be needed to style and add interactivity. Please be aware that this extension only includes templates and it is important to customize them according to the needs of your website. |