Code Comment Reading Novel Plugin: Read txt novel files and insert novel text in any line of the current editor's document using code comments, for reading purposes.
Extension Settings
The absolute file path of the TXT format novel, for example, D:\ abc.txt
Code comment rules, the program will automatically replace $ with novel text. For example /*$*/ or //$
How to use
Ready with a UTF-8 encoded txt novel file.
Please fill in the novel file address and code comment rules in the plugin settings.
Open a code file in the editor, select any position with the mouse, then press Ctrl+Shift+P (Cmd+Shift+P), type 'ReadNovel', and it will insert novel text at that line in the file.
The program will record the reading progress in the first line of the novel file. When you close the file and reopen it, the program will automatically read the progress and resume from where you left off.;