A translate extension for vscode that is easy to use. The biggest highlight: Words can be translated, Sentences can be translated, Language can be set. Supports automatic detection of different national languages.
Free translate
Single word can
Sentences that words make up can
Support for a variety of languages
No key is required
Use the latest version of vscode
Install through VS Code extensions. Search for "FreeTranslate"
Install through FreeTranslate.version.vsix
Install FreeTranslate extension
Open a file
Select the content that you want to translate
Right-click and select FreeTranslate Translate
Then, The translation result will be in the output panel. The panel opens automatically.
Can change translation language by TranslateLang item in the statusbar.
The TranslateLang statusbar item display after first translate occur.
This extension provide settings for the default translation language.
One way by settings:
translate.default.lang: Set the language that need to be translated
Another way by statusbar's TranslateLang:
click the statusbar's TranslateLang and pickup the language you need