DSPCoder Panel - README DSPCoder Panel is a custom VS Code extension providing a dedicated panel to monitor file changes and display DSPCoder-specific information, all within a webview. This panel automatically opens when watched files change, enabling real-time content updates for your workspace. Features DSPCoder Panel: Displays a custom panel under the DSPCoder view with real-time updates of DSPCoder files. Auto-Open: The panel automatically opens whenever changes are detected in the specified file. Workspace and File Monitoring: Dynamically monitors file changes, updating the panel with file content and workspace information. Customization: Supports custom file paths through extension settings, allowing you to specify a file for monitoring. Screenshot example: Requirements This extension requires: Visual Studio Code version 1.80.0 or higher. Node.js and npm (for development and testing if modifying this extension). Extension Settings The extension contributes the following settings for customization: dspcoder.watchFile: Sets the filename to monitor for changes. Default is output.txt. Known Issues Auto-opening may not trigger if no workspace is open. Ensure a folder is open in VS Code to use the panel effectively. Release Notes 0.0.1 Initial release of DSPCoder Panel with file monitoring, auto-open panel, and customizable file settings. Development & Packaging Installation: Install dependencies by running npm install in the extension’s root directory. Building: Package the extension using vsce package to create a .vsix file for distribution. Testing: Press F5 in VS Code to open a new window with the extension loaded for testing. |