About The ExtensionCode Snippts for the most importnant thing in Lua Fivem (FCS) Example :Change Log :v0.0.2 :CT , CreateThread >> create Thread CT:While , CreateThread:while >> create Thread with while CT:while:forp >> Create Thread With while and For With Pairs CTrigger >> Create Event in Client Side STrigger >> Create Event In Server Side Command >> Create A Register Command gped >> Get Player Ped forp >> Create For with Pairs if:true >> Create If َv0.0.3 :Lua : Nui >> create A Send Nui Message Nui:Func >> create Nui Function with boolen Nui:cb >> Create Nui CallBack JavaScript : message , msg >> Create AddEventListner post >> Create Post post:json >> Create Post With Json Keyup >> Create Event OnKeyUp َv0.0.4 :Lua , JavaScript : adding some useful sstuff , Fix Some issue َFor suggestion :contact Me :Discord : D7y#0511DiscordServer : https://discord.gg/qE9RAFnyjtAll The Rights Go To : The course of the bald hair |