Profile Language ExtensionThis project is for the VSCode syntax highlighting extension for the Profile language. Profiles are a proper superset of both the JSON and Java Properties formats and as such are a drop in replacement for either. Profiles provide additional functionality that is not available in either format. Profiles are useful for any use case in which JSON or Properties are used, including system and application configuration and data transmmission and general purpose mapping and indexing. The Profile syntax is more powerful, less complex and less error prone than JSON, Properties and YAML syntaxes, and is more user friendly. FeaturesProfiles provide additional functionality including Text Block support, single quoted strings, scoped value substitutions within string values, expressions including conditional, logical, relational, unary, multiplicative and arithmetic, and functions and shell script invocation. RequirementsTo properly syntax highlight the Profile format, choose the Profile language model from the Language Model button at the bottom right of the vscode editor window. Extension SettingsKnown IssuesRelease Notes0.0.1Initial release of Profile Extension. |