CtrlB: VSCodeCtrlB is an observability platform for developers. It lets you analyze and troubleshoot your running application code by securely adding logs, metrics, and traces in real-time and on demand. There is no need for hotfixes, restarts, or redeployment. Think of us as a super debugger that you can attach to your applications running in development, testing, staging, or production environments. From the comfort of your IDE, add dynamic tracepoints and log points to specific lines of source code in the running application. This lets you understand data contained in variables that you hadn't logged before - ON THE FLY! UsecasesDevelopers across teams use CtrlB’s Live Debugger for -
UsageGet started in just 2 minutes!Head over to - https://docs.ctrlb.ai/getting-started-in-2-minutes Let's connectPlease feel free to contact us if you're stuck or you face any issues. SlackJoin our slack at - https://join.slack.com/t/ctrlb-hq/shared_invite/zt-226u2dd9t-Fkqk8iH1HG3lbno8I9GlAw |