Visual studio code extension to quickly visualize important elements of a file using keywords defined in the parameters.
- "File Summarizer: Display document informations"
- Key: filesummarizer.display
- Description: Displays the retrieved information in a new Visual Studio Code window, in the form of a table.
- "File Summarizer: Copy the document information in HTML format to the clipboard"
- Key: filesummarizer.copyToClipboard
- Description: Copy the document information in HTML format to the clipboard
Avec les paramètres suivants:
L'affiche suivant se produit:
"operation":"SUM", // LAST by default
"concatentionDelimiter":"/" // In case of "CONCATENATION", "," by default
"concatentionDelimiter":", "
- titleLevelMarker: Character marking the title level of a game
- delimiter: Value delimiter
- categories: A category corresponds to one information to be retrieved per part. This will correspond to a column in the result of the display
- name: Category name that will be displayed in the header of the column
- suffix: Element that will be added after the values in the column
- identifier: Element that will identify a line as the line that includes the value to be retrieved
- operation: Operation to be performed when several values are found for a part
- delimiter: Overload the delimiter defined above
- concatenationDelimiter: When the operation is concatenation, it is the character (or string) that will join the elements
When several values have been found for the same part, there are 4 ways to handle this:
- SUM: Sum of all fields. Warning, values must be numbers
- CONCAT: Concatenation of values using concatenationDelimiter
- FIRST: Keep the first value found
- LAST: Keep the last value found
By default, the value is LAST.