UnityPython is a Python implementation that enables all-platform UI/game development and development time hot-reloading.
This extension is enabled when a .unitypython.json is included anywhere in a workspace folder.
Multi-root workspaces are supported, in case you need to edit Unity C# and UnityPython simultaneously.
Report if unitypython is not installed in the selected Python environment (by Microsoft Python Extension).
Compile Python scripts to ${unitypython.build-output-directory}(default: Compiled) directory on save. Python executable in the selected environment is used.
Excellent Pylance Support: the bundled stub files unitypython-typeshed are copied to ${unitypython.build-output-directory}(default: unitypython-typeshed) directory.
Activate your preferred Python environment (Python >= 3.8 is a must, Python 3.10 is better), and do pip install upycc --upgrade
Install vscode-unitypython extension, and create a .unitypython.json in your workspace.
(for Unity users who wants to hot reload UnityPython) Copy Assets/FileWatcher.cs and Assets/PythonHotReloader.cs to your Unity project's Assets folder, and attach these two components to a top-level empty game object.
NOTE: The release is still preview, please update this extension frequently.