Corellium VSCode Extension
- Start a device
- Stop a device
- Reboot a device
- Pause a device
- Resume (unpause) a device
- Open a device in browser
- Open a device console
- Take a snapshot
- Restore a snapshot
- Refresh your list of devices
- Install the extension from the VSCode Marketplace or with the terminal command
code --install-extension corellium.corellium-vscode .
- Open the extension settings and enter your Corellium API token (and optionally your endpoint).
- Reload VSCode to apply the changes and start using the extension.
- Ensure you have the latest version of Node.js and Yarn installed.
- Clone the repo.
- Run
yarn install to install dependencies.
- Run
yarn dev to compile the extension and watch for changes.
- Open the
corellium folder in VSCode.
- Launch a new VSCode window with the extension loaded. You can either press
F5 or open the command palette and run Debug: Start Debugging .
- Make changes to the extension and reload the extension to see them take effect.
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