Add # to your code anywhere to show the current memory
Add step:[someNumberInMS] to show the memory output of each step in the console. e. g. step:100 will execute a step ~every 100ms
Add ìnput:[yourInput] if you need input for your program. e. g. input:ABCD on the program ,.,.,.,. will output ABCD
Add debug:[number] to set the amount of memory adresses to be outputted. e. g. debug: 10 will output the first 10 memory addresses (default: 30)
Add timeout:[milliseconds] to set a timeout for program execution. The program wil terminate after this time (default: 20000). e. g. timeout:50 will terminate the program after 50 milliseconds.
The interpreter
Supports all 8 brainfuck commands (<>+-[],.)
Has 0xFFFF Adresses
Can show you memory content any time in program by adding # to your code
Use the command Execute Brainfuck to execute your code