Colliv Vscode Extension
Made for Collaberating Live with others

Added So far:
- Initial release of the Colliv extension for Visual Studio Code.
- File syncing between host and client sessions.
- Real-time file updates during an active session.
- Command to start a server (host session).
- Command to join a session as a client.
- Command to stop hosting and leave a session.
- File change detection implemented, ensuring changes made by the host are reflected instantly on the client side.
How to Use
Start the server (host a session) using the colliv.startServer command.
Join a session as a client using the colliv.joinSession command.
Use the default Ip

Use the default port 5000

Sync and edit files in real-time between the host and client.
- This version currently only works on LOCAL or aka WAN (Same network).
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