The Easy Boilerplate extension for Visual Studio Code provides quick and easy access to some of the most commonly used boilerplates for your projects. With this extension, you can save time and reduce errors by generating boilerplate code for your projects without having to write it from scratch.
Provides access to a variety of boilerplate templates, including:
C boilerplates
C++ boilerplates
Python boilerplates
Go boilerplates
Java boilerplates
Rust boilerplates
React and Angular boilerplates
Vue boilerplates
Django boilerplates
Flask boilerplates
Supports keyboard shortcuts for quick access to boilerplate templates
Easy to install and use
To install the Easy Boilerplate extension, follow these steps:
Open Visual Studio Code.
Click on the Extensions icon on the left-hand side of the screen.
Search for "Easy Boilerplate" in the search bar.
Click on the "Install" button next to the Easy Boilerplate extension.
To use the Easy Boilerplate extension, follow these steps:
Open Visual Studio Code.
Open a new file or an existing file that you want to add boilerplate code to.
Choose the boilerplate template you want to use by running the appropriate command on the text editor:
!c for C boilerplate
!cpp for C++ boilerplate
!cppcp for C++ Competitive Programming boilerplate
!py for Python boilerplate
!pycp for Python Competitive Programming boilerplate
!go for Go boilerplate
!java for Java boilerplate
!rust for Rust boilerplate
!react for React boilerplate
!angular for Angular boilerplate
!vue for Vue boilerplate
!django for Django boilerplate
!flask for Flask boilerplate
The boilerplate code will be generated in your file.