🗂️ Clean File 🗂️Extension created to speed up the creation of the basic files used in the clean architecture 🔧 Settings 🔧Use the F1 key and then type "clean file" the following commands will appear👉 clean file generate: create all folder structure based on clean architecture 👉 clean file generate feature: create the entire folder structure for the feature path 🗒️ Release Notes 🗒️0.0.5👌 snipptes primero crea el archivo .dart y luego podras usar los siguientes comandosfirst create the .dart file and then you can use the following commands: 🟢 services: to create the service interface 🟢 services impl: to create the service implementation interface 🟢 repository: to create the repository interface 🟢 repository impl: to create the repository implementation interface 🟢 repository impl: to create the repository implementation interface 🟢 add packages: to add the suggested packages 🟢 add dependencies: to add the suggested dependencies 🟢 add assets: to add the assets and fonts files to the yaml |