Late Night Coffee i
Update notes 1.6.0
there has been a major restructure of this theme
It has come to my attention that none of the colors were in sync across the languages. So I've fixed that
There were a few messy mistakes (forgetting to add comments to the theme) this restructuring aims to fix that
Reactjsx and Tsx are different languages so I've fixed that
- I honestly thought they were the same. :(
Ruby has been added to the languages
i look like this
im still working on it
if you want me to make another language give me yell
Languages Made
- C
- C++
- C#
- Html
- JS
- TS
- ReactJSX
- Python
- Ruby
- Open the extentions sidebar on Visual Studio Code
- Search for Late Night Coffee (please make sure its by Chookith )
- Click Install
- You may need to reload the window
- Manage Cog (little cog thingy on the bottom) > Select Colour Theme > Late Night Mocha i
I have a Light Version too
Morning Coffee i
give us a yell if you have any issues with it
feel free to give recommendations
ill see what i can do
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