DevBoon is a Visual Studio Code extension, that provides a query engine to help python and java developers so as to decrease their development time and increase their productivity.
Visit Our Website for documentation, installation , demonstration and complete project overview.
The current version has four queries namely
- "Search Query"
- "Error Query"
- "Snippet Query"
- "Completion Query"
along with a Developer Activity Tracker, "Difficulty Recognizer".
Uses of Dev Boon
Users Can search for their Query directly on our extension’s search box by pressing “Ctrl+Shift+Q”. Then user will be given an option to choose (Either StackOverFlow or YouTube) .
Users can also search for the query selected (hovered) on the editor by pressing “Ctrl+Shift+S” for StackOverFlow posts or “Ctrl+Shift+Y” for YouTube videos.
Whenever User encounters an error ( compilation error , runtime error etc ) while executing a program , we will automatically detect that and we will show the relevant StackOverFlow posts and YouTube Videos.
Whenever User wants a piece of code for some task , User can simply Write an ‘English’ sentence enclosed in between “?” and “?” and press “Ctrl+Shift+N”. We will automatically paste the relevant code snippet from StackOverFlow in the Editor where the cursor is currently positioned ( along with the link for that code as comment ). We will automatically detect the programming language and paste the relevant code.
This extension can also be used by python and java developers inorder to complete incomplete code snippets or incomplete functions by pressing “Ctrl+Shift+W”.
Users activity is also tracked ( Based on number add , delete , click and various other events) and we will give messages to user if he is struck in the development.
Inorder to get started with Dev Boon extension,clone git repository of dev-boon extension by executing command:
git clone
Navigate inside the dev-boon directory.
Now execute the following commands to install all necessary npm and python packages in your computer.
npm install
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Next, Run the extension either with 'Code-Insiders' or by Pressing 'F5(Fn+F5)' key inside the VS-CODE.
After extension starts running , execute the command
python3 ./src/backend/
The setup is complete.
Dev Boon uses a number of Technologies to work
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- Python3
- Flask
- Machine Learning
- Deep Learning
- Mongo DB
And "DEV BOON" is Open Source on GitHub.
Running and Testing the Features
Visit Our Website to see how to run our Extensions features.