Handlebars Syntax Highlighter
Supercharge your development with Handlebars Syntax Highlighter! Enjoy syntax highlighting, enhanced code readability and Handlebars code snippets.
Key Features
- Syntax highlighting
- Code snippets
- Bracket matching
- Bracket autoclosing
| Trigger | Description | Code Generate |
| --- | --- | --- |
| -template | Generates template | <script id="id-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template"></script> |
| -partial | Generates partial template | <script id="id-partial" type="text/x-handlebars-partial"></script> |
| -layout | Layout template | {{#> layout}}{{/layout}} |
| -render | Render partial template | {{> mypartial}} |
| -list | List helper | {{#list option-hash}}{{/list}} |
| -log | Log helper | {{#log 'log_something'}} |
| -if | If condition | {{#if foo}}{{/if}} |
| -ifelse | If-Else condition | {{#if foo}}{{else}}{{/if}} |
| -unless | Unless condition | {{#unless foo}}{{/unless}} |
| -with | With helper | {{#with object}}{{/with}} |
| -each | Each helper | {{#each object}}{{/each}} |
For feature request and bugs report, submit issue on this repository. Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum.
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