AlphaBETAAlphaBETA highlights usage of APIs that use MotivationIf you work with library code that is in development it's likely that some parts of the code are in various stages of readiness. The majority of APIs might be fully released to the public. But some APIs might be nearly ready to release, and another API might have been added very recently and clearly isn't ready for public use. And another API might be meant for internal use entirely. When all of these APIs are mixed together in one package, it can be very difficult to tell if the APIs that you're using are actually ready for you. Hyrum's Law says that eventually, anything that can be done with a system will be done with the system. That's especically true in languages like JavaScript. In an attempt to limit the damage, some package authors adopt a convention of using JSDoc tags to indicate the state of each API. Typically this means that API authors will add This helps, but the problem is that you'll only see those annotations if you're actually looking at the intellisense tooltip. And it's extremely likely that you'll overlook a stray With AlphaBETA, it's impossible to miss. RunningAfter cloning the repo, run Either press F5 or launch This will launch a new instance of Visual Studio Code with the extension enabled. Open any javascript or typescript file that is using an API annotated with Extension SettingsAlphaBETA provides the following settings:
Known IssuesNothing yet. Please file some! Release NotesUsers appreciate release notes as you update your extension. 1.0.0Initial release of AlphaBETA 1.1.0Lower minimum VS Code version to ^1.55.0 |