Functions not yet fully implemented (still in progress)
Higlight of problems / errors (diagnostic)
How it works
Right-click in the code window -> select the context menu entry “Format Document”.
The indents and spelling of keywords are adjusted in the current document.
Optionally, comments can also be removed and lines can be wrapped with ':' (see Settings)
For auto-completion, the current code, all include files (#expand),
the 'objectDefs.m1s' file and the 'GlobalDefs.m1s' file are searched for definitions.
Goto Definition
Right click on a variable, procedure or include file, select the context menu entry 'Go To Definition'
Full syntax check
Right-click in the code window and select the context menu entry 'full syntax check'.
The settings 'Mach3Dir' and 'UseScreenSet' must be set correctly.
It is best to create a new folder '.vscode' in the respective workspace (folder) and set the settings in
this folder via the 'settings.json' file so that they are only valid for this workspace
If the error message "Unexpected error, quitting" appears, the file 'vscce.exe' must be executed once with administrator rights so that the COM interfaces are registered correctly.
Compile script
Right-click in the code window and select the context menu entry 'compile Script'.
The settings 'Mach3Dir', 'UseScreenSet' and 'OutputFolder' must be set correctly.
It is best to create a new folder '.vscode' in the respective workspace (folder) and set the settings in
this folder via the 'settings.json' file so that they are only valid for this workspace
If the error message "Unexpected error, quitting" appears, the file 'vscce.exe' must be executed once with administrator rights so that the COM interfaces are registered correctly.
You can support this project through PR with your changes or simply add an issue with your idea/bug.
Complete Language Source Documentation
References / Thanks
This extension is based on the "VBScript Extension for Visual Studio Code" from serpen.