openangularcompanionfile READMEThis is a simple extension that allows you to click on the Editor Title Bar to "Open Companion File" or Right click in the editor, when you are currently looking at a .ts or .html file. For example, if I am editing "my.component.ts" and I want the .html file to open, I can quickly click on "Open Companion File" and it will be opened for me, with no need for me to scroll through large file tree. The option is only available if you are looking at either an .ts or .html file. If you are on a file that does not have a companion, you will be given a little user message on the bottom right of the IDE that let's you know that file doesn't have a partner. RequirementsKnown IssuesRelease Notes1.0.0Initial release of OpenCompanionFile extesnsion for typescript users Enjoy! |