Github : BlueStier/SLV-copy
SLV-copy allows :
- perform automatic file saves when opening them in VScode.
- to make a renamed copy (manual save) via the palette or the right mouse click.
- to clean up the backup folder according to certain parameters.
Process :
- Auto save :
- When opening VScode, the file present in the text editor is automatically saved in the directory specified according to its initial directory.
- Each time a new file is opened, the backup is performed on it.
- Manual save :
- Allows you to rename the backup file with a comment.
- Clean up backup folder :
- The cleaning command operates in 2 stages :
- First : Cleanup will delete all auto backup files older than n months depending on the setting.
- Then : Cleanup deletes manual backup files keeping the last n backup (regardless of creation date) depending on the parameter.
This extension can be configured in User Settings or Workspace settings.
"SLV-copy.keyValueFolder": [[]]
This parameter is used to associate a file opening directory and a saving directory.
"SLV-copy.useDayFolder": boolean
This parameter is used to set a daily folder
"SLV-copy.deleteDelay": [3,6,9,12,18,24]
Number of months of backup, files with an earlier date will be deleted from the backup directory (all users combined) when using the clean command
Number of personal backups kept (from the most recent to the oldest) when using the clean function
"SLV-copy.authorizedFileType": [".html",".css",".scss",".js",".json"]
: Array of file extension definitions that will be saved. By default : ['html','css','scss','js']
"SLV-copy.excludeFolder": []
: Folder exclusion array so that the backup does not occur
"SLV-copy.showWarningExtensionFile": true
: Checked if you want to see warning message when extension file isn't in autorized file type otherwise unchecked
"SLV-copy.showWarningMessageFolder": true
: Checked if you want to see warning message when initial file directory isn't in keyValueFolder otherwise unchecked
Settings.json exemple
"SLV-copy.useDayFolder": true,
"SLV-copy.keyValueFolder": [
"SLV-copy.authorizedFileType": [".html",".css",".scss",".js",".json"],
"SLV-copy.numberOfSauvPerso" : 7,
"SLV-copy.deleteDelay": 1,
"SLV-copy.excludeFolder": ["c:\\exemple3\\", "c:\\exemple4\\"],
"SLV-copy.showWarningExtensionFile": false,
"SLV-copy.showWarningMessageFolder": false,