Welcome to NPL Editor!
A graphical editor for '.npl' files used together with 'Nopipeline.Task' to produce '.mgcb' files for MonoGame projects.
Inspired by the MGCB Editor.
Setup NPL Editor
- Open or create a MonoGame project via Visual Studio.
- Install the Nopipeline.Task.
- Install the NPLEditor as a GLOBAL dotnet tool.
- Install the NPLEditor.VSExtension via Visual Studio.
- Profit ???
Yes! It should be possible now to double click the Content.npl file inside your Content folder to open the NPL Editor and start adding content to it.
- No JSON-Formatting Erros Anymore
- Just manage your content and NPL Editor takes care about the correct formatting of your .npl files.
- Automatic Pipeline Imports
- Just add your content pipeline references and NPL Editor extracts importers and processors from it.
- No "Name-Guessing" Anymore
- Just with importers and processors, you don't need to guess the correct names of parameters or anything else anymore; just select what you need inside the NPL Editor.
- Content Building
- Build your content directly from the NPL Editor GUI, which also automatically produces log files for you.
- Logging
- Realtime logging events directly inside the NPL Editor; perfect for error detection in your content pipeline references as well.
Now Have Fun with NPL Editor!