Hash Dark Theme for VS CodeA minimal, dark blue theme for VS Code.
Color | Usage |
#f92672 |
Keywords, constants, template literals |
#a6e22e |
Functions, classes, object literal keys |
#e6db74 |
Constants, operators |
#a6e22e |
Strings, markdown headings |
#C9D1D9 |
Special keywords, classes, markdown code blocks |
#C9D1D9 |
Variables, property names, tags |
UI Colors
Color | Usage |
#1f2937 |
Workbench background |
#1f2937 |
Editor background |
#2f3b54 |
Highlight, widgets, panels |
#1f2937 |
Dividers, subtle UI elements |
#1f2937 |
Status bar text, buttons, etc |
#C9D1D9 |
Active text, anything that should be white |
#e6db74 |
Accent, list tree titles, badges, etc |
#a6e22e |
Addition highlights |
#f92672 |
Deletion highlights, errors, warnings |
#C9D1D9 |
Modified highlights |
Theming Reference
Documention and Logo of the theme was inspired by Halcony Theme
Syntax & Workbench colors based on Hashnode Blog Syntax Highlighting
vsce publish patch/minor/major