Betterscan Azure DevOpsTable of contents1. About2. Usage3. Documentation4. Issues5. Contributing6. LicenseAboutThis repository contains a Betterscan CLI Azure DevOps Pipeline extension to be integrated in Azure DevOps Pipeline. With this extension, you will be able to perform a static code analysis (SAST), Code Scanning, Secret scanning also for Cloud Infrastructure (IaC) in search of vulnerabilities. UsageRequirementsExecuting an analysisYou want to use
Addtionally you might want to push the Artefact and maintain state
Then please install: SARIF Viewed plugin It will add "Scans" tab to both the Build Results page and the Work Item page. DocumentationFor more information about Betterscan, please check out the documentation. IssuesTo open or track an issue for this project, in order to better coordinate your discussions, we recommend that you use the Issues tab in the main Betterscan-CLI repository. ContributingIf you want to contribute to this repository, access our Contributing Guide. LicenseApache License 2.0 |