Update Xliff from inline translations This Visual Studio Code extension allows you to parse inline AL language translations found in //T =... comments and update the corresponding XLiff (.xlf) translation files within the Translations folder of your Business Central AL project. Features
How to Use Ensure your workspace contains a Business Central AL project with .al files and a Translations folder containing XLiff files in the format .-.xlf. Inline translations should be placed as comments above a Label, Caption, or Tooltip definition. For example: //T is='Viðskiptavinir samtals %1',comment='%1=fjöldi viðskiptavina'; CustomersLbl: Label 'Customers total %1',comment='%1=number of customers'; This will provide a dictionary entry mapping 'Customers total %1' to 'Viðskiptavinir samtals %1'. Another example: //T is='Tímabundin starfsemi'; Caption = 'TempJobType'; This maps 'TempJobType' to 'Tímabundin starfsemi'. Open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P on Windows or Cmd+Shift+P on Mac), run the command "Parse inline translations to Xliff". The extension will:
Project Files Created
Unit Tests Open the extension folder in VS Code. Run npm install to install dependencies. Use VSCode’s extension test features or a test runner to run the tests. Publisher Information