Prefix | Description
--------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
yAddHttpClientWithHttpMessageHandler | Inserts AddHttpClient with HttpMessageHandler
yApiControllerAttribute | inserts an ApiController attribute
yAuthorizeAttribute | Inserts an AuthorizeAttribute
yBuiAddDbContext | Inserts a builder.Services.AddDbContext
yBuiAddDbContextUseSqlServer | Inserts builder.Services.AddDbContext.Options.UseSqlServer
yBuilderEntity | inserts builder.Entity stub
yBuiServicesAddHttpClient | Inserts builder.Services.AddScoped HttpClient
yBuiServicesAddScoped | Inserts builder.Services.AddScoped INameService NameService
yCascadingPara | Inserts a CascadingParameter attribute
yCascadingParaAuthState | Inserts a CascadingParameter AuthenticationState Property
yCascadingParaProp | Inserts a property with CascadingParameter attribute
yColumnTypeNameDecimalAttribute | Inserts a ColumnType TypeName decimal attribute
yCompareAttribute | Inserts a Compare attribute
yCreateAsyncMethodDefinition | Inserts a CreateAsync method Definition to an Interface
yCreateAsyncResultMethodDefinition | Inserts a CreateAsync Result method definition
yCrudIServiceMethodDefinitions | Inserts an IService interface with CRUD method definitions
yCrudResultIServiceMethodDefinitions | Inserts an IService interface with CRUD Result method definitions
yCtrlHttpDelete | Generates a HttpDelete action
yCtrlHttpGet | Generates a HttpGet action
yCtrlHttpGetList | Generates a HttpGet List action
yCtrlHttpPost | Generates a HttpPost action
yCtrlHttpPut | Generates a HttpPut action
yDataTypeAttribute | Inserts a DataType attribute
yDbSaveChangesAsync | Inserts _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync
yDbSet | Inserts a DbSet for a class in DbContext
yDbSetNewSyntax | Inserts a DbSet for a class in DbContext
yDeleteAsyncMethodDefinition | Inserts a DeleteAsync method definition for an interface
yDeleteAsyncResultMethodDefinition | Inserts a DeleteAsync Result method definition
yEmailAddressAttribute | Inserts an EmailAddress Attribute
yEventCallback | Inserts an EventCallback property
yEventCallbackChanged | Inserts an EventCallbackChanged property + property
yEventCallbackExtended | Inserts an EventCallbackExtended OnClickProperty
yEventHandler | Inserts an EventHandler method stub
yEventHandlerAsync | Inserts an EventHandlerAsync method stub
yGenerateClassImplementingInterface | Generates a class and implements interface
yGetAsyncMethodDefinition | Inserts a GetAsync method definition for an interface
yGetAsyncResultMethodDefinition | Inserts a GetAsync Result method definition for an interface
yGetListAsyncMethodDefinition | Inserts a GetListAsync definition for an interface
yGetListAsyncResultMethodDefinition | Inserts a GetListAsync Result method definition
yGps | Inserts { get, private set }
yGs | Inserts { get, set }
yHandleFileChosenAsync | Inserts the HandleFileChosenAsync method for an InputFile element
yHandleValidSubmitAsync | Inserts the HandleValidSubmitAsync method stub
yHttpDeleteAsync | Inserts an Http.DeleteAsync call
yHttpGetAsync | Inserts an Http.GetAsync call
yHttpGetFromByIdJsonAsync | Inserts an Http.GetFromByIdJsonAsync call
yHttpGetFromJsonAsync | Inserts an Http.GetFromJsonAsync call
yHttpPostAsJsonAsync | Inserts an Http.PostAsJsonAsync call
yHttpPostAsync | Inserts an Http.PostAsync call
yHttpPutAsJsonAsync | Inserts an Http.PutAsJsonAsync call
yIEnumerable | Inserts an IEnumerable statement
yIf | Inserts an If statement
yIfInline | Inserts an If inline statement
yIfNotNull | Inserts an If not null statement
yIfNotNullAndCountGreaterThan0Statement | Inserts an If not null statement and count greater than zero statement
yIfNotNullInline statement | Inserts an If not null inline statement
yIfNotStringIsNullOrEmpty | Inserts an if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MyVariable))statement
yIfNotStringIsNullOrWhiteSpace | Inserts an if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(MyVariable))statement
yIfNull | If null statement
yIfNullInline | Inserts an If null inline statement
yIfNullOrCountIsZero | Inserts an If null Or Count is zero statement
yIfNullOrCountIsZeroReturn | Inserts an If null Or Count is zero statement
yIfNullReturn | Inserts an If null return statement
yIfNullReturnDefault | Inserts an If null return default statement
yIfStringIsNullOrEmpty | Inserts an if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(MyVariable))statement
yIfStringIsNullOrWhiteSpace | Inserts an if(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(MyVariable))statement
yImpCorrespondingInterface | Implements corresponding interface
yInheritsAuthenticationStateProvider | Inherits AuthenticationStateProvider
yInheritsComponentBase | Inherits ComponentBase
yInjectAttribute | Inserts an InjectAttribute
yInjectAuthenticationStateProvider | Inject AuthenticationStateProvider property
yInjectHttpClient | Inserts an Inject HttpClient property
yInjectIJSRuntime | Inserts an Inject IJSRuntime property
yInjectILocalStorageService | Inserts an Inject ILocalStorageService property
yInjectIMapper | Inserts an Inject IMapper property
yInjectISyncLocalStorageService | Inserts an Inject ISyncLocalStorageService property
yInjectNavigationManager | Inserts an Inject NavigationManager property
yInjectService | Inserts an Inject MyService MyService
yInjectSignOutSessionStateManager | Inserts an Inject SignOutSessionStateManager property
yInvokeAsyncEventCallback | Inserts an Invoke async Eventcallback
yIsNotNull | Inserts Is not null
yIsNull | Inserts Is equal to null
yJSRuntimeInvokeAsync | Inserts a JSRuntimeInvokeAsync call
yJSRuntimeInvokeVoidAsync | Inserts a JSRuntimeInvokeVoidAsync call
yLocalStorageGetItemAsync | Inserts await LocalStorage.GetItemAsync stub
yLocalStorageRemoveItemAsync | Inserts await LocalStorage.RemoveItemAsync stub
yLocalStorageSetItemAsync | Inserts await LocalStorage.SetItemAsync stub
yMethodAsync | Inserts an async method stub without arguments
yMethodAsyncReturn | Inserts an async task method stub without arguments
yMethodAsyncReturnWithArgs | Inserts an async task method stub with arguments
yMethodAsyncWithArgs | Inserts an async method stub with arguments
yMethodReturn | Inserts a method stub without arguments
yMethodReturnWithArgs | Inserts a method stub with arguments
yMethodVoid | Inserts a void method stub without arguments
yMethodVoidWithArgs | Inserts a void method stub with arguments
yModelBuilderEntity | Inserts a builder.Entity stub
yNavigateToId | Inserts a NavigationManager.NavigateTo page\\Id
yNavigateToPage | Inserts a NavigationManager.NavigateTo page
yNavigationManagerRefresh | Inserts NavigationManager.Refresh()
yNavigationManagerRefreshForceReload | Inserts NavigationManager.Refresh(forceReload: true)
yOnAfterRender | Inserts an OnAfterRender method stub
yOnAfterRenderAsync | Inserts an OnAfterRenderAsync method stub
yOnInitialized | OnInitialized method stub
yOnInitializedAsync | Inserts an OnInitializedAsync method stub
yOnParametersSet | Inserts an OnParameterSet method stub
yOnParametersSetAsync | Inserts an OnParameterSetAsync method stub
yPaginationState | Inserts a PaginationState field
yParaAttribute | Inserts a Parameter attribute
yParaCaptureUnmatchedValues | Parameter CaptureUnmatchedValues attribute property
yParaIdProp | Inserts an Id property with Parameter attribute
yParaProp | Inserts a property with Parameter attribute
yPropBirthDate | Inserts a BirthDate property
yPropCity | Inserts a City property
yPropConfirmPassword | Inserts a ConfirmPassword property
yPropCountry | Inserts a Country property
yPropDescription | Inserts a Description property
yPropEmail | Inserts an Email property
yPropEndDate | Inserts a DateTime EndDate property
yPropEndTime | Inserts a DateTime EndTime property
yPropFilter | Inserts a Filter property
yPropFirstName | Inserts a FirstName property
yPropId | Inserts an Id property
yPropImageUrl | Inserts an ImageUrl property
yPropIs | Inserts an Is YourName boolean property
yPropIsVisible | Inserts an IsVisible property
yPropLastName | Inserts a LastName property
yPropMobilePhone | Inserts a MobilePhone property
yPropName | Inserts a Name property
yPropPage | Inserts a Page property
yPropPassword | Inserts a Password property
yPropPhone | Inserts a Phone property
yPropPrice | Inserts a Price property
yPropQuantity | Inserts a Quantity property
yPropStartDate | Inserts a DateTime StartDate property
yPropStartTime | Inserts a DateTime StartTime property
yPropState | Inserts a State property
yPropStreet | Inserts a Street property
yPropTitle | Inserts a Title property
yPropUserId | Inserts an UserId property
yPropUserName | Inserts a UserName property
yPropZipCode | Inserts a ZipCode property
yRangeAttribute | Inserts a Range attribute
yReadAsStringAsync | Inserts a ReadsAsStringAsync() call
yReadFromJsonAsync | Inserts a ReadFromJsonAsync call
yReadIdFromJsonAsync | Inserts a ReadFromJsonAsync call
yReadOnlyHttpClientField | Inserts a readonly HttpClient field
yRequiredAttribute | Inserts a RequiredAttribute
yRouteAttribute | Inserts a RouteAttribute
ySetParametersAsync | Inserts a SetParametersAsync method stub
ySetsRequiredMembersAttribute | Inserts an SetsRequiredMembersAttribute
yShouldRender | Inserts a ShouldRender method stub
yStateHasChanged | Inserts a StateHasChanged() method
yStringLengthAttribute | Inserts a StringLength attribute
ySupplyParameterFromFormAttribute | Inserts a SupplyParameterFromForm attribute
yTaskCompleted | Inserts await Task.CompletedTask
yUpdateAsyncMethodDefinition | Inserts an UpdateAsync method definition for an interface
yUpdateAsyncResultMethodDefinition | Inserts a UpdateAsync Result method definition