Enable concurrent development for the modern mainframe by empowering developers to understand quickly and safely, build, test, and promote mainframe code using the BMC AMI DevX Workbench Code Pipeline (DevX Code Pipeline) extension as part of your agile source code management system.
What's New
Initial Release
Repository View
This view provides a list of components for an organization; offering the following capabilities:
Ability to add a repository based on stream, application, sub-application, and level
Ability to filter components based on name and type
Ability to add components to an assignment
Ability to browse a component’s content
Assignment View
This view displays an assignment and its tasks, providing a way for developers to make changes; offering the following capabilities:
Add a new assignment
View an assignment by finding based on the Assignment ID, recently used assignments, or the current user’s assignments
Display a list of all tasks added to the assignment with their name, type, status, and level
Add or checkout a task based on a specific version
Browse or edit a task
Edit source with support for copybook references
Generate a task and view the Job output e.g., a compile listing
Promote one or more tasks
Delete a task from the assignment
Clean up a task
Regress one or more tasks
Users can opt in or out of the collection of telemetry data
BMC AMI DevX Code Pipeline version 22.0 and above license installed on the mainframe server. Credentials to connect to the Code Pipeline server are required
Getting Started
Go to the DevX Explorer extension and create HCI connection. This HCI connection needs to be created for a mainframe server where you have your Code Pipeline server set up.
Go to VS Code Settings -> Extensions -> DevX Code Pipeline -> Code Pipeline: HCI Connection Name & Code Pipeline: Runtime Configuration. If you do not set Runtime Configuration, it will be taken as default.