Open File FamilyOpens all files with related in the specified editor pane. Especially useful for opening tests or spec files. I created this because when working in angular I sometimes wanted to open the *.spec.ts, *.ts, *.scss, and *.html all at once, from any file. I also prefer having the spec file alongside the others. With this enabled with only the *.ts file open I am able to open all the related files with a shorcut. FeaturesBy default the extension is triggered by Allows for many different file families, but selects based on the most specific option e.g. '-service.spec.ts' will be the selected family before '.ts'. This extension does not create new files, just opens existing ones. Extension SettingsThis extension contributes the following settings:
Known IssuesLarge number of edit pane groups will likely not work as expected. I know windows of 2 or 3 work well, but anything beyond that is untested. Don't expect to get 8 different editor tab-sets to open. Additionally starting the opening process from a tab-group other than the left-most one is still buggy. Release Notes[0.1.1] - 2018-10-17Changed
[0.0.1] - 2018-10-08
ThanksThanks to and all who contributed to Open File Family is grown from Open Spec File and would not exist without it. Enjoy! |