This extension lets user organize folders/files how they see fit.
I, personally, prefer to keep managed files in specific order and have certain directory structure too.
For now, this extension is not a replacement of explorer, but rather an addition.
What CEVS can do:
Add files from explorer to CEVS by right-click->Add Files/Folder to CEVS.
Move folders/files around.
Autoupdates structure when CEVS config is updated.
Rename files, this will only change name in CEVS, not an actual file name. (looks ugly, but cant do anything about it)
Delete files/folders from CEVS.
What CEVS cannot do yet:
Add folder keeping original folder structure.
Cannot drop files/folder from explorer into CEVS.
Autoupdate instantly. Current watch timer is about a second.
Order can only be specified manually in .vscode/cevs.json file.
PS was probably a bad idea to use treeview in the first place, but for first version it will suffice.