competitive-snippets README
Basic Template:
Command: !!basics
This command will copy the basic template with headers and macros famously used in competitive programming. Sections may be added/removed in the future on the basis of use in competitive programming.
Command: !!basics-test
Same as basic but with test cases
Segment Trees:
Command: !!max_seg_tree
Currently only one snippet available for segment tree which provide snippet for building, updating and querying segment tree with lazy propogation.
Disjoint Set Unions:
Command: !!dsu
This command will import code for basic disjoint set unions (also known as union-finds) with rank and parent vectors included.
Depth First Search- Basic:
Command: !!dfs-basic
This command will import code for basic depth first search in graph.
Breadth First Search- Basic:
Command: !!bfs-basic
This command will import code for basic Breadth first search in graph.
Command: !!krushkal
This command will import code for basic code for Krushkal Algorithm which calculates minimum cost spanning tree for a graph in $O(Elog(E))$.
Convex Hull Trick (Dynamic Programming)
Command: !!chtDynamic
This command will import code class for chtDynamic algorithm.
Matrix library
Command: !!matrix
This command will import matrix class so that programmer can focus on implementation of logic rather than datastructure
Trie String Structure
Command: !!trie
This command will import code class for Trie for string prefix structures.
This is solo project and no requirements are there so far.
Known Issues
No Issue reported so far
Initial release with segment tree and basic macros
Added snippet of Disjoint Set Union
Added snippet of Basic Breadth First Search, Depth First Search and Krushkal Algorithm
Indentation Changes
Fixed Problem with Disjoint Set Union snippet
- Fixed More Problem with Disjoint Set Union snippet
- Added Test Cases involved Basic Template
- Fixed Syntax Bugs of previously added snippets
- Added Convex Hull Trick for DP Optimization snippet
- Fixed Silly Bug, from now on Version as whole_version. added_feature . patches
- Added Trie Data Structure for strings
- Added Matrix Library with multiplication and power code