This plugin requires the JumpCoder_Backend_Server to be running and the corresponding code generation model to be deployed using Text Generation Inference (TGI).
Here’s how you can install and configure them:
Step 1: Deploy Text Generation Inference (TGI)
You can follow the official Hugging Face TGI installation guide to set up TGI. They offer two methods: installing via Docker or locally. Once TGI is installed, you can run the following command to deploy the desired code generation model.
Note: Currently, the infilling model only supports CodeLlama. Here's an example of how to deploy it:
# Share a volume with the Docker container to avoid downloading weights every run
volume=/path/to/directory/of/your/model etc. /data/models/
# Deploy the generation model
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 docker run --gpus all --shm-size 1g -p 8080:80 -v $volume:/data \
text-generation-inference:2.1.0 --model-id $model_path --dtype float16 --num-shard 1 --max-batch-total-tokens 2048 \
--max-batch-prefill-tokens 1024 --max-total-tokens 2048 --max-input-tokens 1024 --cuda-memory-fraction 0.4
# Deploy the infilling model
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 docker run --gpus all --shm-size 1g -p 8081:80 -v $volume:/data \
text-generation-inference:2.1.0 --model-id $model_path --dtype float16 --num-shard 1 --max-batch-total-tokens 2048 \
--max-batch-prefill-tokens 1024 --max-total-tokens 2048 --max-input-tokens 1024 --cuda-memory-fraction 0.4
You can customize the address and port where the TGI models are deployed.
Step 2: Start JumpCoder_Backend_Server
You can download the JumpCoder_Backend_Server code from JumpCoder-Plugin/JumpCoder-server. This is a simple backend server built using the Flask framework. To install it, use the following commands:
conda env create --name JumpCoder_Backend_Server -f environment.yml && conda activate JumpCoder_Backend_Server
Next, run JumpCoder_Backend_Server. Note that the addresses used here should match the addresses of the generation or infilling models deployed in Step 1. JumpCoder_Backend_Server runs by default on port, but you can adjust this if needed.
python --address_infilling --address_generation
Step 3: Run the Plugin
You can configure the plugin to use your custom JumpCoder_Backend_Server address to utilize JumpCoder.
Extension Settings
: Provides a sidebar search box feature for JumpCoder. You can open the sidebar by clicking the JumpCoder icon, where a search box and some parameters for JumpCoder will be displayed. You can input your code generation prompts in the search box and click search to generate code.
: Offers a feature to generate code within code files using JumpCoder. You can select a portion of the code in the file as a prompt, then right-click and choose "processing" to generate code.