JS Audit by Armur AI is a powerful Visual Studio Code extension that allows you to perform comprehensive code audits right from your favorite code editor. It provides insights into various aspects of your codebase, including Code Vulnerabilities, Code Documentation, Bugs, Optimization techniques, and much more.
Before you get started, please make sure you have generated a JS API key from Armur AI. You will need this API key to use the extension effectively.
Code Vulnerability Scanning: JS Audit by Armur AI scans your code for potential security vulnerabilities, helping you identify and mitigate risks.
Code Documentation Analysis: The extension analyzes the quality of your code documentation and provides suggestions for improvement.
Bug Detection: Find and fix bugs in your code with the bug detection feature, making your code more reliable.
Optimization Techniques: Get recommendations on how to optimize your code for better performance.
And More: This extension offers a wide range of features to help you improve the quality of your codebase.
To use the "JS Audit by Armur AI" extension, follow these steps:
Install Visual Studio Code if you haven't already.
Open Visual Studio Code.
Navigate to the Extensions sidebar (Ctrl+Shift+X).
Search for "JS Audit by Armur AI."
Click the "Install" button.
After installing the extension, you can activate it by following these steps:
Open Visual Studio Code.
Press Ctrl+Shift+P to open the command palette.
Select "JS Audit by Armur AI" from the list of commands.
You will be prompted to enter your JS API key from Armur AI.
Once you've entered the API key, the extension will be activated.
Release Notes
Users appreciate release notes as you update your extension.