Aqua TrivyTrivy Vulnerability Scanner is a VS Code extension that helps you find vulnerabilities in your software projects without leaving the comfort of your VS Code window. RequirementsTrivy is required for the plugin - if it is available on the If you choose to install, the output window will open with the details of what is being installed and where, it will be installed to the extensions directory and be removed when the extension is uninstalled. UsageThe Aqua Trivy extension comes with a walkthrough quick start to show you the key areas, we recommend you look at that the first time you use it. When the extension is opened and Trivy is installed, you can run a scan of the current project or workspaces and it will generate a list of issues broken down by file. The menu allows you to turn on workspace specific options as part of the scan. Aqua PluginIf you are an Aqua customer, you can use your Configure for Aqua PlatformFrom the menu, select Now run a scan as normal and you will have additional policy results. Known IssuesIf you find one, please file a GitHub Issue here. Feature RequestsHave a feature you desire? Please let us know by filing an issue here. Release Notes### 1.1.0
0.6.1Handle findings inside tarballs 0.6.0Add support for secrets - turn on in the extension settings 0.5.1Fix json check 0.5.0Add support for newer format of json results 0.4.1Fix typo in the configuration settings 0.4.0Add additional settings for offline and minimum severity 0.3.0Add Findings viewer and help 0.2.0Automatic detection of old Trivy versions. 0.1.1Initial release with basic project scanning. |