File Zen is an extension that lets you create lists of related files to more easily navigate large projects. This allows you to focus on just the files that matter for a given task or feature without having to continually scroll through the Explorer tree.
Adding Files
Add or remove files to a list via editor context menus
Toggle the currently open file using the Toggle keyboard shortcut
Ctrl+Alt+N (Windows)
⌥⌘N (Mac)
Give the file a label for easier identification
File Groups
Add groups to keep separate lists of related files
Easily switch between groups related to specific features or frequently accessed files
View Flexibility
Drag and drop File Zen views to different parts of the VS Code UI. This makes it easy to access your lists while working alongside the main Explorer view.
Known Issues
Needs more flexible sorting/ordering
Need to add languages other than English
Release Notes
Adds file type icons to list items
Removes files from lists when deleted from disk (via VS Code)
Adjusts paths when files moved or renamed (via VS Code)
Shows toast notification when toggling with keyboard shortcut