This is a simple extention that can automate the creation and merging of Salesforce Package.xml files.
Generate Packages
You can automatically generate a salesforce package containing every change in the current git branch.
From the command Palette:
"Generate Salesforce Package with default settings" will utilize the configuration options "Package Generate: Default Package Location" and "Package Generate: Default Package Name" to generate an xml file on the default location.
"Generate Salesforce Package with default location" will utilize the configuration option "Package Generate: Default Package Location" to generate an xml file on the default location, with a user-supplied name.
"Generate Salesforce Package" will promt the user for a destination folder and a file name to generate an xml file.
From the editor context menu:
"Generate Salesforce Package here" will generate the xml in the currently open file.
From the explorer context menu:
"Generate Salesforce Package here" will generate the xml in the currently selected file.
Merge Packages
You can automatically merge two salesforce package files.
Package xml power tools exposes the following configuration parameters:
Package Xml Power Tools: Indentation Type: The character used for indentation
Package Xml Power Tools: Indentation Number: The number of times the Indentation Type will be repeated for a single indent.
Package Xml Power Tools: Metadata Api Version: The Salesforce API version that will be used for the creation of the xml file.
Package Xml Power Tools › Package Generate: Default Package Location: The default folder to generate a new xml file (used with "Generate Salesforce Package with default settings" and "Generate Salesforce Package with default location").
Package Xml Power Tools › Package Generate: Default Package Name: The default xml file name used to generate a new xml file (used with "Generate Salesforce Package with default settings").
Package Xml Power Tools › Package Merge: Default Package Location: The folder that will open by default when using "Merge Salesforce Packages".