Pastel Water is a dynamic and vibrant Visual Studio Code theme designed to ignite your coding experience with its warm and energetic color palette. Inspired by the intensity of a sunset, Pastel Water infuses your editor with a sense of sophistication and vitality.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P), paste the following command, and press enter.
Paster Water is a dynamic and vibrant Visual Studio Code theme designed to ignite your coding experience with its warm and energetic color palette. Inspired by the intensity of a glowing sunset, Paster Water infuses your editor with a sense of sophistication and vitality. It's a nice and minimalistic interface with borderless style (especially for Jupyter Notebook).
The Theme include Three variants for each dark | color theme :
The Hard | Medium | Soft variants, which were computed using the Paster Water Harry Hopkinson theme.
Color Palette
The color palette has been computed on the former image using K-MEANS Bisecting algorithm. A python package is in preparation.