JS Code HelperThis is a code extension that helps to write commonly used functions in React and commonly used packages. FeaturesThe code snippets in this repository cover a wide range of commonly used packages like redux, formik, yup,...more to be added in future. These are the following code snippets that can be used, | Prefixes | Code Description | Required Packages | | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | | rfy | Custom Form with Formik and Yup validation in React |Formik, Yup | axioget | "GET" call in axios | Axios | axiopost | "POST" call in axios | Axios |actioncreate| Creating action function to handle reducers in redux|Redux, React-Redux |reducercreate|Creating reducers function to store data in redux|Redux,React-Redux |storecreate| Creating store function to integrate redux store in react app|redux-logger,redux-thunk,redux-persist,@reduxjs/toolkit Extension SettingsInclude if your extension adds any VS Code settings through the For example: This extension contributes the following settings:
Release Notes0.0.1
Enjoy! |