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Millfork - Commander X16
This provied support for these systems.
Millfork Language and Build Support
A middle-level programming language targeting 6502-based, 8080-based and Z80-based microcomputers.
Commander X16 Emulator Support
An upcoming 8-Bit computer Designed by David Murray : The Commander X16™
To use the Compiler features of Millfork you will need to download and installed the windows version of Millfork. This can be downloaded from : https://github.com/KarolS/millfork/releases .
Documentation for this language can be found at : https://millfork.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
Commanded X16 Emulator
For the Emulator to be launched with the build program that Commander X16 Emulator must be installed. This can be downloaded from : https://github.com/commanderx16/x16-emulator/releases
Only Windows is currently being tested.
Millfork: X16 Build
Run the Millfork Compiler
Millfork: X16 Build and Run
Run the Millfork Compiler and then the X16 Emulator
Millfork: X16 Toolkit Update
All commands will output results to Output stream called Millfork: X16
If the Compile fails the Emulator will not be started
Before Compile is started the Target file is deleted
The Target file name defaults to .PRG. Eg TestGame.mfk -> TestGame.prg
Source files must be named *.mfk
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
: The Full Path including the executable to to Millfork Compiler.
Emulator X16
: The Full Path including the executable to to X16 Emulator.
Options Save On Build
: Save all open files prior to the Build.
Options Source Override
: If you want to use a fixed file to compile with include the full path of this file here.
Options Include Directory
: Additional Include Directories
Options Additional Params
: Any optional paramteres to Millfork
Options Millfork Platform Target
: The Platform Target for Millfork.
Replace Millfork Command
: Override the command string passed to Milfork. This Does not included the Executable Name.
Replace X16 Emu Command
: Override the command string passed to X16EMU. This Does not included the Execute Name.