Filament Snippets for Visual Studio CodeThis extension contains VS Code snippets for Filament Admin Panel, Form Builder, Table Builder and Notifications packages. InstallationSearch and install from VS Code Extension Panel. If you can't find the extension panel please launch the command palette (Ctrl + Shift + P or Cmd + Shift + P) and type 'Install Extensions'. UsageYou can either start with the context (e.g. inputselect or columntext) or vice versa (e.g. selectinput or textcolumn). For some of the components you can directly use the component name (e.g. select or toggle). You can also use only capital letters of the snippet for short (e.g. ct instead of columntext or is instead of inputselect). ContentAdmin Panel
Form Builder
Table Builder
NotificationsContributionAny contributions are appreciated. If you spot an error or you want a feature please throw an issue or just PR it. Before your pull request please regenerate the snippet list by running the following command: