RationaleVscode extension for mapping folder structure to another one. For the cases when you can't change original folder structure or want to have alternative view(s). Extension doesn't provide UI for everything, so, editing config files sometimes is okay. Its location is .vscode/parallelFolders.json. I already use the extension in my everyday job. Usually real life projects are big and cluttered. What is even worse they often structured not according to business requirements. They often structured as hello world projects where files are grouped by file types (you know: Controllers, Views,...). The problem is that when the project grows this structure starts working against you. The bigger the project the bigger the part of time you spend on navigation in a mess. These all is very well described in MSDN article: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/mt763233.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396 Basic usageUsage can be grasped in two ways from demo video or from text instructions. I provide both below. Demo videoIt may be quite confusing at the beginning because what you see initially is just empty panel. So, it is easier to understand usage from short demo video: https://youtu.be/Q0YksFaUsJ4 Text instructionsInstall extension. New side panel will appear. Select it. Select More actions in the panel menu. Click Init config file. Config will be created and sample Root Folder will appear. Now you can start adding files to that. You can do it by opening a file by other means, e.g. with Explorer or with Quick Open or with Ctrl+Tab among recent files. As file is open, click the "Add file to the folder" icon. Repeat the process for files you need for your current work task. Be happy, focused and free from distractions. RoadmapDone
To be done