This extension allows you to view information about class member overrides and implementations in the form of CodeLens annotations for JavaScript and TypeScript.
When a method or field is overriden, a clickable @Override <name> text appears that opens a peek window for the method or field that is overriden, while stating the name of the class or interface of the original implementation.
A lens with the text @Implement <name> shows above a method or property that implements an abstract method or property, or an interface.
Basic: Below is an example of the basic functionality of this extension, name and constructor are being overridden from Animal which is reflected with the @Override Animal annotation. speak(), on the other hand, is being implemented which is why the annotation shows @Implement Animal.
Deep Annotations: To find out whether a method or property is being overridden, it checks the entire tree of superclasses, so it even shows indirect overrides (@Implement Animal is shown at line 22, since Fish extends Animal which has a speak() method).