Change Case
This extension allows you to convert the selected text into different case. Supported Cases are:
1. Snake Case - (snake_case)
2. Camel Case- (camelCase)
3. Kebab Case -(kebab-case)
4. Upper Case- (UPPERCASE)
5. Flat Case - (flatcase)
6. Constant Case- (CONSTANT_CASE)
7. Pascal Case- (PascalCase)
8. Title Case- (Title Case)
9. Capitalize Case- (CAPITALIZE CASE)
10. Lower Case- (lower case)
How to Use it
1. Select any text from the file, You will see an left side icon for options
NOTE: If you want to change all the occurance of the selected Text, use Ctrl+Shift+L or Cmd+Shift+L(on Mac) after selection
2. Click on the icon, it will give the options on change the case and select any option from the dropdown
3. The selected text case will gets changed
Language Supported: javascript, typescript, javascriptreact, typescriptreact, html, css, less, scss, sass, python, json, markdown, go
Customizing the Case Change Options
You can add only a subset of all supported Case Change options as per your preference and usage, to keep the Case Change list short and more handy.
You need to change the default json (settings.json) in your VS Code settings (Ctrl + ,).
Following is the default JSON that support all casing, Change the value to false which you don't want to use.
"snakeCase": true,
"camelCase": true,
"upperCase": true,
"flatCase": true,
"kebabCase": true,
"constantCase": true,
"pascalCase": true,
"titleCase": true,
"capitalizeCase": true,
"lowerCase": true
Release Notes
Initial release of Change Case
Added FlatCase and UpperCase
Added Title Case, Capitalize Case and Lower Case
Fixed minor bugs
Added the Case Change Configuration option