Aylin 🌌Aylin is a modern and minimal VS Code dark theme with bright colors. The theme is based on the great theme Ayu theme. See Credits for a detailed lineage. Installation
How do I enable the glow seen in the screenshot?Install Custom CSS and JS Loader which allows you to load custom CSS and JS. Please carefully read the ReadMe regarding permission for that extension before continuing with this installation. Locate Copy CSS file to a location on your machine, such as your On Mac:
On Windows:
Important: Make sure you include the file protocol in the path i.e. Then, open your command palette with At this point, VS Code may pop up a message to say that it is corrupted, this is caused by the Custom CSS & JS extension and not this theme. As their installation instructions say, you can click "Don't show again" to dismiss the popup. ScreenshotsReactReact (with Glow)React (with TypeScript)VueJavaScriptCSSSCSSLESSHTMLPythonRubyPHPBASHDockerfileDockerfile (with compose file)CreditsCredit goes to the Ayu theme. I ended up changing colors and their mappings. Recommended Plugins and settingsPlugins
LicenseMIT |