Lua Scripts Provide a way for Users to Customize and Add to the Cheat
Lua is one of the Easiest Programming (Scripting) Languages to Learn, and they Offer a Quick Tutorial to Get Started
Our API Makes it Possible to Interact with the Zapped, and the Game in General
The Lua Path for Zapped is C:\zapped\lua
function on_render()
for i = 0, engine.max_clients() do
local ent = entitylist.get_entity(i)
local localplayer = entitylist.get_entity(engine.local_player())
if(ent:is_valid() == true and ent:is_player() == true and ent:is_enemy() == true and ent:is_alive() == true and ent:is_dormant() == false) then
local head_bone_pos = utils.world_to_screen(ent:get_bone_pos(8))
renderer.filled_circle(head_bone_pos.x, head_bone_pos.y, 10,, 255, 255, 255))