Monokai Dark Soda

This theme is based on the excellent Monokai Dark Soda textmate theme.

Launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P), paste the following command, and press enter.
ext install AdamCaviness.theme-monokai-dark-soda
Color Palette
Palette |
Hex |
Background |
#242424 |
36 36 36 |
0, 0%, 14% |
Current Line |
#3D3D3D |
61, 61, 61 |
0, 0%, 24% |
Selection |
#403d3d |
64, 61, 61 |
0, 5%, 25% |
Comment |
#8C8C8C |
140, 140, 140 |
0, 0%, 55% |
Foreground |
#F8F8F2 |
248, 248, 242 |
60, 2%, 96% |
String |
#FFEE99 |
255, 238, 153 |
50, 40%, 80% |
Number |
#FF80F4 |
255, 128, 244 |
305, 50%, 75% |
Thunderbird |
#D3201F |
211, 32, 31 |
30, 85%, 47% |
Radical Red |
#F92672 |
249, 38, 114 |
338, 85%, 56% |
Fuchsia Pink |
#CD5AC5 |
205, 90, 197 |
304, 56%, 58% |
Lavender Rose |
#FFB2F9 |
255, 178, 249 |
305, 30%, 85% |
Tree Poppy |
#FD971F |
253, 151, 31 |
32, 88%, 56% |
Atlantis |
#60cf30 |
96, 207, 48 |
102, 77%, 50% |
Pear |
#A6E22E |
166, 226, 46 |
80, 80%, 53% |
Spray |
#66D9EF |
102, 217, 239 |
190, 57%, 67% |
Malibu |
#90E7F7 |
144, 231, 247 |
189, 42%, 77% |
Want more?

- Fork it vs-code-theme-monokai-dark-soda
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b feature/fooBar )
- Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some fooBar' )
- Push to the branch (
git push origin feature/fooBar )
- Create a new Pull Request
The MIT License. Read LICENSE for further information.
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